Read through this passage slowly, pausing after each line. Take time to listen to the Holy Spirit as you pause and respond in prayer.


Eph 3: 14-21 … I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in

heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of His glory, He may

grant you


  • to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being (reflective silence)
  • to be increasingly convinced that Christ dwells in your hearts through faith (reflective silence)
  • to be rooted and grounded in the love that surpasses knowledge faith ((reflective silence)
  • to be filled to capacity with God Himself faith (reflective silence)
  • to be convinced of God’s miracle-working power faith ((reflective silence)
  • to be eager for God’s glory to be displayed in His Church through the generations forever and ever. faith ((reflective silence)