Connections Team

Connections Team

Serving in Connections gives you the opportunity to take people from guests to family members. Each week, you will serve as the welcoming smile and warm embrace that allows everyone coming in to feel at home.

Team Lead

Caroline Beardsley

Groups and Connections Minister

Role Descriptions

Parking Team

The role of Parking Team Volunteer is crucial in helping to create a welcoming environment as guests and regular attenders enter our property for Sunday gatherings and other events. This role will help people find available parking spots and exit our property as seamlessly as possible.

Greeting Team

The role of Greeter serves to continue the hospitality and welcome for our guests and attendees as they transition into the building.

Host Team

The role of Connections Host serves as the guide for all guests and attendees as they move from the lobby to their seats in the auditorium. These team members will ensure attendees are welcomed and enter the service or event with as few hindrances as possible.