Pax Pulido

Technical Director

I was born and raised in Fullerton, California to parents who were in ministry at a local church and my father was a missionary in Mexico. This mission, La Puerta Cielo, was literally next to my grandmother’s house. I was able to visit frequently for many years growing up. Within that time, back in Fullerton at the age of 7, I accepted Jesus Christ in my life in the parking lot of a baseball field before All-Star practice. I was struggling with questions about my relationship with God. I always believed in Him and knew He was real in my life. But questions like “will we be with God when we die?” and “what happens to our family when we are in heaven?” provoked a conversation with my parents. Ultimately, this all led me to say a prayer with my mother in the car to accept Jesus as the Lord and Savior of my life. I was then baptized at the age of 13 as a public declaration that Jesus is the Lord and Savior of my life. I have continued to serve in church ministry and Christian education and completed my education in Theology from Vanguard University of Southern California. Then, I completed my master’s coursework in Education at Hope International University. During that time, I was serving as a teacher in the Technical Arts and Cinematic Arts at Mariners Christian School and Church, where I taught and trained students how to use the technical arts for God’s glory and kingdom. God led me to join the staff at KHC in January 2023.

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