Vision for the Future

At our Everyone event, we shared the stories of what the Lord has been doing and our vision for the future. However, before we take any steps forward we want to hear from you. Below we have included the document that explains our vision projects. We also have provided a link to important survey that will help us understand our next steps.

Relive Everyone

Were you unable to attend Everyone? We got you. Capture some of the biggest of the night right here.

Everyone | The Power of Our Unity

The ability for King’s Harbor Church to build finds its foundation in our unity. Regardless of how important the projects or well-said the vision is, unity is essential.

Everyone | Stories

God is at work. Hear how lives are being impacted through King’s Kids, King’s Students, Church on the Beach, and Harbor Rock Recovery.

Everyone | Interviews

Hear from our friends about how they can see King’s Harbor continue to provide kingdom-flourishing in our community and beyond.

Everyone | Vision Projects

Hear about our heart for the future. These are our initial thoughts about how to maximize our current facility and send leaders faithfully.